Spectacle / Danse / Théâtre / Portrait

Mickaël Phelippeau FR

“Displaying such a story on stage is inevitably political in part. What moves me, more than anything, is to see someone saying ‘I’ on stage.” M. Phelippeau 

Avec Anastasia is the choreographic portrait of a 17-year-old teenager who unreservedly and with plenty of humour tells us her personal story. From her childhood in Guinea to her arrival in France aged 11, her passion for Mini-Miss competitions and coupé-décalé dancing, alone on stage the young girl reveals the outline of her outgoing personality, thanks to the attention paid by choreographer Mickaël Phelippeau. Story and choreography weave between daily life, memories and anecdotes, expressing the sensitivity of this unique exchange.

Choreography Mickaël Phelippeau
Performance Anastasia Moussier
Artistic collaboration Carole Perdereau
Sound design Anthony Merlaud
Production, promotion, administration Fabrik Cassiopée – Isabelle Morel & Manon Crochemore
Thanks Lycée Voltaire d’Orléans, Compagnie L’eau qui dort Jérôme Marin, Néné et Karl Moussier