Made in Antigel / science fiction / 2028 / expédition / survivor


Les derniers de leur espèce

What if the botanical gardens were actually a very distant planet, where living beings had to rely on ingenuity and poetry to survive?

“We are the last of our kind to guard this home. Our home.” Your home as a matter of fact, because this dreamlike story, created by author Fabrice Melquiot, will immerse you in a wild, untamed and yet unknown galaxy. A fictional planet filled with plants, where glasshouses communicate through light and humanoid creatures live together in a land of poetic fantasy. “Botanica” beautifully expresses the Festival’s desire to reveal the botanical gardens’ beauty through a unique and short sensory journey. A fairy tale for the ears, dancing plants for the eyes and ghostly bouquets of beams that highlight the significance of flora and its preservation. The light is green, you may cross!

Idea Festival Antigel
Text Fabrice Melquiot
Scenography Grégory Brunischolz
With Cédric Gagneur, Evita Pitara